The first Blockchain Revolution Review was written in Canada’s leading business publication, the Financial Post. Author Diane Francis, editor-at-large for the National Post and award-winning columnist, interviewed the Tapscotts in an article entitled “It’s not just for banks: The coming blockchain revolution is going to have dramatic ramifications for all of us.”
This is heady and important stuff, and the Tapscotts have done a masterful job explaining how it all works as well as why this is, truly, another revolution.
In the article, Francis details how the blockchain works, and which industries are most likely to be affected – from banking and insurance to securities.
She also goes on to explain ramifications in day-to-day life – how the blockchain could create a trust protocol that eliminates the need for large intermediaries like Uber, AirBNB, and others.
Read the complete review in the Financial Post.
Photo: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg