Fortune‘s CEO Daily has written about Don and Alex Tapscott for their May 9 daily feature. Fortune writers Geoffrey Smith and Alan Murray on the Tapscotts and blockchain:

Tapscott sees the blockchain technology that underlies bitcoin as solving one of the most fundamental problems of the Internet age – that of trust. The Internet allowed for instant exchange of information, but the exchange of value has been hampered by the absence of trust, and a need for trusted intermediaries – banks, credit card companies, PayPal, etc. – to certify value transactions. The blockchain’s distributed ledger solves that problem, and could, in the Tapscotts’ view, be the biggest boost to capitalism since double entry bookkeeping.

How can blockchain help people? They argue that with blockchain technology, immigrants can send money to their families without paying large fees, aid workers can verify land titles for rebuilding homes, and social media users can be in control of their own privacy and data.

Smith and Murray continue by stating they will be publishing additional excerpts from Blockchain Revolution this week. The book is available on May 10.

Read the May 9 CEO Daily on Fortune.