Bitcoin Is Just The Beginning

Bitcoin Is Just The Beginning

One of the great mysteries of modern life is the time it still takes for a check to clear. Every other financial transaction is being reduced to the tap of a phone or the press of a key. But checks take days to rumble their way from payee to the originating bank, days...
Trust and Verify: The Coming Blockchain Revolution

Trust and Verify: The Coming Blockchain Revolution

Blockchain today might be like the internet in 1993: a decade from now, you’ll wonder how society ever functioned without it, even though most of us barely know what it is today. Some fascinating blockchain sprouts are poking through these days, such as one company...
Financial Times Review

Financial Times Review

The Financial Times’ John Gapper has reviewed Blockchain Revolution in the May 18th edition. The Tapscotts provide a thorough, balanced and enlightening guide to the next big thing. The review examines the Tapscotts’ predictions for future areas of...
Tech Savvy: How Blockchains Could Transform Management

Tech Savvy: How Blockchains Could Transform Management

Business journalist Theodore Kinni has published an article on MIT Sloan Management Review about what’s happening between management and technology this week, with some focus on how blockchains can transform management. “The bigger issue is...